More Information

Fees and Insurance

There are options to help you pay the cost of therapy. Some of your options may include in network and out network benefits through your health insurance, employee assistance program through your job, health savings accounts, self-pay to name a few. I am in-network on several health insurance plans. You can check with you your health insurance plan to inquire about reimbursement to see me.  Acceptable forms of payment is cash, check, PayPal, and most major credit cards.

Scheduling An Appointment

I know your decision to come into therapy can be scary at first. It is better to come in at the earliest sign of a problem, although I believe you will schedule at the right time for you. I schedule appointments by phone only. If I don't answer immediately, please leave a voicemail and I call you back hopefully within an hour and no later than the next business day.  I will talk you via phone to gather basic information about your situation prior to scheduling the first appointment. This allows you and me to get a general idea about our fit as client-therapist. I am currently accepting new clients and I welcome prior clients to schedule with me. You may also email me a message concerning scheduling an appointment at angela@auburnmft. I look forward to working with you.

FAQs Answered

  1.  I’m not sure if counseling is what I need, what is the best thing to do? This is a typical thought that many people have about seeking counseling and other services for that matter.  This is  can be normal  anxiety that usually accompanies new decisions. Don‘t let the anxiety stop you. Let’s use it to propel you to take the first step towards reaching your goals. I do phone consultation prior to scheduling the first appointment. This is an opportunity for you to get free professional recommendation.
  2. What if my partner or family refuse to come, will it do any good for me to come alone?  Yes there can be benefits to you coming in alone even when the issue includes other people. We will talk about the pros and cons of you coming in alone so that you can make an informed decision. Sometimes you coming in can influence the significant people to become interested later. 
  3. Will therapy help me?  I have found that many people come to therapy looking to be “fixed.” I subscribe to the belief that most of the problems that bring people to therapy are normal reactions (i.e, depression, anxiety, conflict) to life circumstances. In my past 18 years of experience as a psychotherapist, therapy has helped many of my clients. I support your right to make an informed decision. After all, this is your life.  Do your research online, talk to your physician, or talk to someone you trust who has actually gone to therapy. And remember, I do free 15 minutes phone consultation prior to scheduling your first appointment.
  4. How do I help?  First I believe the client-therapist relationship is at the heart of change. This means that I take time to understand you and the issue that brings in to see me. Second, I believe you have strengths and are still the expert of your life even while you are seeking help from me.  Therefore, I collaborate with you in the helping process. Third, I am trained and utilized a variety of therapies for emotional and psychological problems.
  5. How often and how long will I need to come?  There are many factors that will determine this.  We will discuss these and agree on frequency. I will assess the continued need for therapy throughout the time you are coming to see me.

What to Expect

  1. The first appointment is the intake session. Here I will begin assessing relevant information. We typically will not work on problem solving during this session.
  2.  I ask you to try to arrive 10 -15 minutes prior to your appointment to complete paperwork. This way you will have your 50 minutes to talk with me.
  3. When you arrive for your appointment, have a seat in the waiting area and I will come out to give you the paperwork.
  4. At the end of the first appointment, we will discuss the outcome of the assessment and my recommendations.
  5.  The second session may involve more assessment and treatment planning, which includes setting goals and we will identify when you no longer need therapy.
  6.  Usually during the third session, we begin the therapy on issues in the order we prioritized.
  7. The following sessions involves continuing to work on the issues, reviewing your progress towards your goals, and helping you with skills to maintain your progress as you get closer to your goals.